We don't know what causes CFS, with some doctors and researchers ascribing onset to environmental exposures. It is certain that CFS patients experience 'flare ups' after (and are in a weakened state) after toxin exposure, to which hypervigilance against such exposures is advised

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But then the answer came from a Colorado toxicologist. Kyle’s residence in a rural farming community meant he was most likely exposed to high levels of pesticides, yet his heavy metal levels were low – too low. That suggested a seemingly paradoxical answer: Kyle’s low test results didn’t have mean he had low levels of heavy metals – it meant his body was awash in them! It suggested his detoxification pathways had become so depleted that instead of trying to process the heavy metals present and shuttle them out of his body, his body was in a last gasp effort, storing them away in his tissues in an effort to avoid exposing his organs to them.


That process was probably saving his life, but it was also killing him slowly as the heavy metals continued to build up and deplete his system.  Not only had they opened the door to all manner of nasty bugs, but they were contributing to his severe weight loss – which was making matters much worse.  As his energy pathways broke down, his body began metabolizing his tissues to get resources and releasing those heavy metals back into his system – making him worse. He was on a downward spiral – perhaps not unlike that that experienced by other gaunt, severely ill patients.


Further testing revealed that Kyle did have high heavy metal levels – but in two heavy metals (arsenic and another) that most initial heavy metal tests don’t assess.  The heavy metals, though, were simply the first slice of the onion. Kyle’s heavy metal exposure appears to have damaged so many of his systems that heavy metals were just one of a number of problems he had to address.


Kyle also tested positive for all the herpesviruses (chronic EBV, CMV, HHV-6) as well as other viruses (Parvo B19, Lyme disease) and pathogens (candida) and he had Bell’s Palsy to boot.


Plus, he had orthostatic intolerance (neurally mediated hypotension), low blood volume (chronic dehydration), hormonal problems (adrenal exhaustion progressing to transient Addison’s disease, reactive hypoglycemia, thyroid, testosterone issues) and sleep issues (insomnia). He’d just suffered through a six-month bout of pulmonary pneumonia that had almost killed him.


In short, he was very much a severely ill person with ME/CFS; in this case triggered by a heavy metal exposure – something we don’t hear about much. (Note, though, that Lily Chu’s study found that about 20% of ME/CFS patients mentioned a significant toxic exposure prior to becoming ill.)


Kyle’s case – as does Jeff’s and Jen Brea’s craniocervical instability – demonstrates that many pathways to ME/CFS exist. Viral exposures, spinal stenosis, food poisoning, mold, toxins, heavy metals, etc. – and in many cases nothing discernible – can set the stage for what appears to be a rather common endpoint in ME/CFS: evidence of viral reactivation, problems with orthostatic intolerance, stimuli sensitivity, severe postexertional malaise, mast cell issues, etc.


It’s still not completely clear why such a short but intense exposure to heavy metals (the renovation of an old barn) was able to trigger such a severe illness but Kyle’s genetic and environmental background may provide some clues. Kyle grew up in an environment – a year-long farming community – that was pretty much guaranteed to maximize his exposure to pesticides. Surrounded by fields, crop dusters regularly dusted his house as well – a dusting intense enough for the trees around his house to lose their leaves.


Plus, genetic testing revealed that Kyle has a polymorphism that negatively affects his methylation and detoxification pathways. The combination of the long-term pesticide exposure and Kyle’s genetic weakness may have left Kyle’s detoxification pathways so overloaded that it took just one big hit (exposure of the heavy metals in the barn) to destabilize them.


Something similar could be happening in people with infection-triggered ME/CFS: a slow but mounting (and completely unnoticed) erosion of their immune pathways, which when the final pathogen hit occurred, resulted in a radical destabilization/reorientation of their immune system. Gordon Broderick’s models suggest that the immune/hormonal systems of ME/CFS patients have sought a new level, and Dr. Klimas’s immune networking studies suggest a radically different immune system may be present in ME/CFS.


Kyle, not surprisingly, strongly believes ME/CFS/FM is a multiple pathway disease that we attempt to silo at our peril. He doesn’t believe it was just the mono or the car accident or the mold or the heavy metal exposure. It’s all of those things (plus genetics in some cases) which impact a bunch of pathways that result in ME/CFS/FM.



Kyle’s recovery was dramatic. After an initial burst of improvement on his chelation protocol, he spent the next two weeks getting dramatically worse – sleeping almost 24 hours a day. As he and his parents wondered if they’d made a huge mistake, his recovery started: the excruciating pain dropped a bit and began to speak a bit.


From there, his recovery was astonishingly rapid. Kyle had been severely ill for 3 ½ years.  At the end, he couldn’t communicate and had to be carried to his appointments. He’d muffled tears when his best friend died because of the strain they’d imposed on his body.


Yet six months after starting his new protocol, Kyle McNease was running sprints again. At the end of the first year, he was like any other student at the university and had stepped right back into his old patterns – a straight A student who graduated in the top 1% of his class.


No one knows why Kyle was able to recover from his emaciated state so quickly, but he has some ideas. To his doctor’s great surprise, he never lost his musculature. Even at his most emaciated, his body refused to break down his muscles. Why that never happened is anybody’s guess. Kyle wonders if heavy labor his ancestors from the northern and western parts of Europe engaged in caused them to prioritize muscle sparing at the expense of other systems.


Once he got better, Kyle never took any time off. He moved to Chicago, lived in Honduras (where he was infected with two strains of dengue fever, yet remains well) and is now living in southern Florida with his wife and baby. In 2017, he ran a half marathon and said he felt like he could run for hours.


Over the last two years, his home has been hit by two hurricanes and he’s had to move twice yet, except for the loss of what used to be a near photographic memory, his health is fine. He recently received a $12 million dollar grant, the writing of which required him to work from 7-7:30 AM until 6 PM, work from 9 PM – 3 AM writing the grant – and sleep from 3-5 AM for several weeks.


Things That Helped

Various means of chelating were used to address Kyle’s heavy metal poisoning. Kyle warned that “since some forms of chelation therapy can result in hypocalcemia and potential death, make sure any route you pursue in detoxifying heavy metals is safe and conducted under close supervision”. (*He did not attempt IV chelation).


A year-long acyclovir trial made little difference but valacyclovir did help alleviate many of his viral symptoms. He noted, though, it was a rough process.


Zoloft, water, increased salt and IV fluids helped with the neurally mediated hypotension. Every time he was given IV fluids, he felt better.


Several rounds of IV and intramuscular Rocephin, doxycycline and azithromycin addressed his bacterial infections.  Questran (cholestyramine) and seven consecutive weeks of Diflucan addressed his fungal infections.


Hormonal Treatments

Cortef/hydrocortisone for the adrenal issues was quite helpful. Kyle had this to say about this controversial treatment:


“I would strongly disagree with the way this issue is sometimes framed. Two extreme camps seem to exist. There is the staunch do not use hydrocortisone camp and the try it it’s benign camp on the other.


Depending on the particular person and medical context, Cortef may be a life-saver or could make matters much worse. He stated:


“One of the major concerns I have with treating adrenal issues is how inexact the dosing is. My endocrinologist and regular physician would constantly reiterate that I was to “up dose” during times of added stress or when fighting off an illness.”


But how much, though? What specific amount was needed? It has been my experience that the correct amount is highly variable and requires trial and error. Barring frequent blood work, it is difficult to get a real-time snapshot of one’s cortisol levels. Something similar to a glucometer but for adrenal output needs to be developed.


I have much more to say on this subject, since I was hospitalized for adrenal insufficiency. For now, I will leave it at this: coming off of the medication can be daunting for some; for others it may be relatively easy. If you have to go two weeks or longer at a dosage of 20mg or more of cortef/hydrocortisone, please make sure you have some form of medical alert on your person.”


Testosterone replacement therapy brought his testosterone levels back to where they needed to be for a male in his 20’s, not 80’s! Kyle didn’t expect to this treatment to help much but it really moved the needle for him, and markedly improved the quality of his life. He noted “that when you’re suffering intensely, improved quality of life, is not a trivial matter” Plus, as his health improved, his testosterone levels normalized, and he was able to discontinue the medication.


He got Myers cocktails as often as he could get them – which was quite rare. Acupuncture.


Ribose! Ribose! Ribose! and creatine helped with mitochondrial energy production. He also got sublingual and IM B12 injections and probiotics galore.


He tried diets, ranging from vegan to extremely low carb, mostly meat diets. Each had their own physiological benefits and burdens. He’s still experimenting with this area almost daily.


Kyle was resistant at first to trying Klonopin. During one hospital stay, the attending physician recommended he try it. He reported:


” I was very resistant to it at the time. I was still fairly young and naïve and didn’t like the idea of something potentially sedating me. I was so weak that I was afraid that if I went to sleep I might not ever wake up again. Finally, they did convince me to try it. It proved to be a revelation to me at the time.”


“This drug is not for everyone and should definitely not be taken lightly. It has a dependency risk to it. Having said that, if your quality of life is a zero and something helps you out the way this did me at the time, the benefits (for me) outweighed the risks.”


Recently, he’s tried low-dose naltrexone (LDN), and CBD oil (without the THC). He reported:


“The LDN has helped me function better on a daily basis. If hard pressed to describe its benefits, I don’t know how I’d quantify them. Any time I forget to take it though, I can tell a difference. I think my overall exercise tolerance is better, and maybe I’m a little less prone to getting sick. Again, I can always tell a difference in retrospect.”


“Please take the words of caution from others seriously regarding LDN and sleep. I tried to dive right in at a higher dose than I probably should have, and I did have a mix of insomnia followed by extremely vivid dreams! This seemed to normalize after a few weeks. “


“The CBD oil has been a huge help to me. I try to approach these things with a healthy dose of skepticism. I expected no benefits at all. However, I did find that it helped immensely with pain and cramping–one of my enduring struggles. Though it doesn’t seem to make me drowsy, it has seemed to help me sleep deeper and longer when I do decide to call it a day.”


Modafinil has been something of a mystery. He reported:


“One final thing that I’m still trying to think through is Modafinil. At one point, I was put on 100mg of modafinil. It had an interesting paradoxical side-effect for me. My resting heart rate tends to be far too high, and this stimulant, while promoting wakefulness and vigilance, also decreased my resting heart rate to a more normal level. It did help me have more energy and complete tasks. “


“However, I did find that I would feel extremely exhausted when the drug was out of my system. I wish that it came in a smaller dose, something like 25mg, because I think that would have helped me more in some sense. I don’t recommend anyone else try this, but I have broken my 100mg tablets in half to try at a lower dose. I did seem to get most of the benefit without as much fatigue when it wore off.”


Section A


Autoimmune illness

50 percent increase in autoimmune illness in 25 years

Over the course of 25 years, the researchers found an overall 50 percent increase.  “A threefold increase in adolescents is roughly twice the rate of increase seen overall"


Autoimmunity Rates Are on the Rise in the United States, Study Says https://www.everydayhealth.com/autoimmune-diseases/autoimmunity-rates-on-the-rise-in-the-united-states-study-says/?fbclid=IwAR1olKH0i6fo7cb76ictz8y5tIzLnul1pfTYChq8QdPVz9LzuYKSb3X8M4M



One in 54 children compared to one in 10,000 cases seen in the 1980s (even considering milder cases now recognised, that is a large increase).


CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S https://www.autismspeaks.org/press-release/cdc-estimate-autism-prevalence-increases-nearly-10-percent-1-54-children-us?fbclid=IwAR1Y6tKFYUyRZvMxAzeq392bDzbqFunAKctkhz56mNKdc9Qweh9-t8QNFwQ#:~:text=CDC%20estimate%20on%20autism%20prevalence,in%20the%20U.S.%20%7C%20Autism%20Speaks


Respitory illness

close to 545 million people in the world had a chronic respiratory disease in 2017, an increase of 39·8% since 1990


Chronic respiratory diseases https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30157-0/fulltext?fbclid=IwAR3BgfNi4GKjoPSCSiEGrJSEhxpN6MMu0tx6FTTcx_HnoKwZ1ByLpXFiuIM



By mid-century, the number of Americans age 65 and older with Alzheimer's dementia may grow to 13.8 million. This represents a steep increase from the estimated 5.8 million Americans age 65 and older who have Alzheimer's dementia today


Sperm Count

In 1992, a study found a global 50% decline in sperm counts in men over the previous 60 years. Multiple studies over subsequent years confirmed that initial finding, including a 2017 paper showing a 50% to 60% decline in sperm concentration between 1973 and 2011


Male fertility is declining – studies show that environmental toxins could be a reason https://theconversation.com/male-fertility-is-declining-studies-show-that-environmental-toxins-could-be-a-reason-163795?fbclid=IwAR2Z_wJXGRblS0YxIOpAVCGcqkaX48aD295esALUxzv26ExBDSsCV_Aiaok#:~:text=In%201992%2C%20a%20study%20found,men%20from%20around%20the%20world


Half taking medicines

In 2015–2016, 45.8% of the U.S. population used prescription drugs in the past 30 days. Prescription drug use increased with age, from 18.0% of children under age 12 years to 85.0% of adults aged 60 and over


The number of prescriptions filled for American adults and children rose 85 percent between 1997 and 2016, from 2.4 billion to 4.5 billion a year, according to the health research firm Quintile IMS. During that time, the U.S. population rose 21 percent


Prescription Drug Use in the United States https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db334.htm?fbclid=IwAR2yx0z-BuhWWRh41Ioa6iayMxgYLdcFNZQ0sOeJaUgy61vZNHDtjJSiQSw#:~:text=In%202015%E2%80%932016%2C%2045.8%25,adults%20aged%2060%20and%20over


Americans Taking More Prescription Drugs Than Ever https://www.webmd.com/drug-medication/news/20170803/americans-taking-more-prescription-drugs-than-ever-survey?fbclid=IwAR15PUk48sHKehxXTnmGAE4HlkUEXm9Hf8dYk3xIthv71KrwKgCXRjeewiA


Food vitamin content

Because of soil depletion, crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get   today


A landmark 2004 University of Texas synopsis of studies that compared what's now on store shelves to vegetables from 1950 found declines of 5% to 40% in certain nutrients among 43 types of produce


Variety of vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables decrease from 60 to 8


Are Fruits and Veggies Less Nutritious https://www.cookinglight.com/eating-smart/nutrition-101/fruits-vegetables-less-nutritious-now?fbclid=IwAR3i-AuQ_tgTU-tjIE8GUrGqIi7G5ewam7sKzuRxO0OSZJUppwtlCRjyI9A#:~:text=Today's%20produce%20is%20less%20nutritious%20than%20yesteryear's.&text=A%20landmark%202004%20University%20of,among%2043%20types%20of%20produce


Obesity rates

The US obesity prevalence was 42.4% in 2017 – 2018.


From 1999 –2000 through 2017 –2018, US obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%


Adult Obesity Facts https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html?fbclid=IwAR1U2qIQ3eegKI6Nn0C4FYAtgMVqkg7sBb1lfUheBT6u2hdhctX8Z0l8B8w


Altruism and compassion score

A study of 14,000 American college students in 2011 found they exhibited empathy approximately 40% less than their peers in the 1980s


Are We Becoming Less Empathetic by Choice https://theswaddle.com/is-the-world-becoming-less-empathetic-by-choice/?fbclid=IwAR0MohkZoRgMbB_zN2u_8maekTXpeUOFGABW9Mwl5qNAKAtifyXGlET-ex8


Section B

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Section C


                         Hormone disruptors click here                                                                               click again to closeHormone imbalance endocrine disruptors and natural solutions webinarfrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PunH8kdjhJw After transcribing this I found the official transcript, which contains slightly different  information here http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/hormonal-imbalance "Today, I'm going to be covering a lot of different topics but what I will really be focusing on is the root cause of hormone imbalance and it's not like one out of nine people have problems with their hormones, it's 100% of the people out there have problems with the hormones. I mean we have a massive debilitating situation worldwide that is being caused by different types of endocrine disrupting chemicals and some of the things were going to get into today that are altering your hormones in your body and it's causing damage and it's causing all kinds of different other issues and is causing infertility it's causing sterility so what i want to do today is let you know that in order to balance your hormones naturally first you have to understand what's causing the hormones to become imbalanced. So I'm going to go over a lot of different things today and hopefully by the end I'm going to give you solutions as to what you need to do so your body's self-healing mechanism can kick in and you can balance your hormones naturally again So if you're feeling fatigued, run down, depressed, if you have excessive weight gain most likely it's going to be your hormones because your hormones can be imbalanced naturally by your age, your diet, your lifestyle, harmful chemicals, metals and really one of the big kickers is stress, I mean we live in a society today where everybody gets stressed out all the time so we all need hormonal balance so we can experience good health. Now health isn't just the absence of problems, health is a focused mind, healthy habits in your lifestyle, a healthy environment, calm nerves, balanced systems within your body, it means that you are at your best, you're confident you feel good, youre mentally and emotionally and spiritually aligned and that ultimately allows us to create and to be healthy and resist any type of illness or disease that might come our way. So what are hormones basically I'm not going to get into all the technical aspects of hormones and everything doesn't really matter you need to know how to balance your hormones naturally if you want to get into the technicalities of how the hormones work together in unison is that like that that's fine you can do that on your own but  in general hormones are just chemical messengers in your body that allow the different systems and glands in your body to communicate with each other properly. and hormones are part of the endocrine system and the endocrine system is composed of your pineal gland or what they call the third eye which gets damaged and calcified by fluoride in the water, your hypothalamus your pituitary your adrenal glands the thyroid the parathyroid the thymus the pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract as well as the ovaries and the testes. One thing people really don't really understand a lot is how important the gastrointestinal tract is at regulating the endocrine system. All those glands together make up our endocrine system. Now these glands produce the hormones that regulate growth and development, reproduction, fertility and infertility, weight, that's why we have problems with obesity, regulate your moods and the list goes on and on, I mean many other things. Now men and women have the same hormones just in different ratios, women obviously have more estrogen and less testosterone and vice versa and of course we all have adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones and so on. When your hormones are balanced your body is humming along just perfectly, you should feel good you should feel full of energy, but when they're not you have problems and that's what affects your whole body systems your mood and everything else. So hormone imbalances literally forwomen basically means that estrogen and progesterone are out of balance and most likely it's going to be high estrogen and not enough progesterone and that's pretty well known as estrogen dominance. For men they're full of testosterone, but their testosterone their DHEA levels their growth hormone levels as they age they start to decline and there's a term for that called andropause and one of the reasons now is that men as well as women are taking in too much estrogen, and they can experience the same symptoms as women can and many other symptoms including sterility with estrogen dominance. So we are seeing right now in the current times and it's been getting worse and worse and worse over the years, a estrogen dominance that doesn't happen naturally. It happens as a result of industrial polutants and chemicals and a lot of the stuff that you have around your house probably that you don't even realize that's coming into your body. Now there's a ton of environmental toxins that can also really amplify estrogen dominance anyway. So you know a lot of people don't know that they have hormonal issues by we could list about 100 200 different symptoms for just this webinar today and I'llk just go through a few of them, number one skin problems, if you have acne you have blotchyness in your skin, premature wrinkling that would be assigned a hormone deficiency or imbalance if you have hair loss, you know I talk to a lot of women all the time and every time especially women with long hair and every time they take a shower they have clumps of hair coming out, that's a telltale sign that your hormones are imbalanced or unwanted hair growth either way where you can have unwanted hair somewhere else. Another thing obviously is weight gain especially around the belly area the thighs the buttocks is the big problem and the sad thing about all this is it's affecting our children now just as much as the adults, girls are going through puberty at younger ages and men are becoming feminine because of the estrogen and so that's also a big issue but another big symptom is lack of energy also diminished libido sex drive sleep disturbances especially if you're having hot flashes night sweats these can lead to insomnia, memory problems people on so many stimulus on psychotropic drugs that affect their sleep cycle so it's really something to look at if you're having problems with your sleep because if you're having problems sleeping most likely you're not going to be in the best mood every single day so, and hormones and mental health are very closely related I mean we got an antidepressant epidemic and not only in this country but especially throughout Europe we have so many antidepressants in the water system that even in some countries drinking a gallon of water is the equivalent of you taking one pill of an antidepressant, so the problem is most doctors believe that women and men are depressed and they need antidepressants but it's the completely wrong approach. Nine times out of 10 it's not depression it's something wrong with the hormones and again standard medic medicine doesn't address the root cause of the problem they just address the symptoms of the problem and put a Band-Aid over it so it's really not depression is just a hormone imbalance or chemical imbalance inside your system. most people that we've worked with most people that just clean their body on a regular basis they balance their hormones and then the anxiety and the mood swings the depression and the mental cloudiness and the brain fog and everything just mysteriously go away but it doesn't mysteriously go away it's the fact that you're actually doing something to balance out your hormones. So one of the things that we have a really big problem with today and this subject of hormones really comes close to my heart because spending years and years tracking down these endocrine disruptors basically and what we're going to start off with is talk about endocrine disruptors and  what endocrine disruptors are are chemicals, most of the man-made, but some of them can occur naturally, that interfere with hormones and endocrine disruptors can reduce the production of hormones by the endocrine glands they can influence when, how much and if the endocrine glands release hormones they can affect the organ or the tissue that the hormones are trying to communicate with they might speed up the metabolism of hormones may reduce the action. One thing though that's really bad is that they can block or mimic the hormones and that's especially estrogen, so endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDC's as most people call them are hugely disruptive to the endocrine system. Now you know the reason I'm saying this is because these are the things that you want to look for to avoid, it's all about cleaning up your environment and avoiding hormone disrupting chemicals that allows your body to balance the hormones naturally again. I'm not a proponent for hormone replacement therapy a hundred percent of the time or anything like that, but what I am a proponent of that's worked millions and millions of times is teaching people how to clean their environment and how to balance their hormones naturally. so hormones operate at very tiny amounts and they can be disturbing even by low low doses of hormonally active chemicals. So not only are endocrine disrupting chemicals bad for you but they're also bad for the environment it's been proven that they harm wildlife reproduction, I mean we have a serious problem with not only us but the animals because these chemicals are getting in all the waters the animals that you know, the pesticides and herbicides that these animals are exposed to or toxic food that they're eating the same thing is happening to the animals they cause these chemicals cause reproductive disorders in humans they cause infertility in males and females they're linked to a host of cancers and now we know without a doubt that exposure to these endocrine disrupting chemicals during early development in the womb and during childhood may cause permanent effects and might even cause permanent effects for generation after generation after generation. Unfortunately many of the most used industrial, most of the industrial chemicals are endocrine disruptors and the sad thing is that there is very poor regulations and absolutely horrible oversight by the organization the government that is supposed to be protecting us the EPA the FDA the USDA not to mention the iresponsibility of corporate  these corporate Monsanto in these big Dow Agro sciences and Cingenta and all these corporations that are putting out the majority of these chemicals and the plasticizers and everything else that are being released into the atmosphere and that have made their way into the food in the water. So again I want to talk to you about some of the most common things that you can avoid some of the most common endocrine disruptors out there it's going to be things that BPA dioxins and atrazine phthalates perchlorate fire retardants lead mercury arsenic organophosphate pesticides glycol esters, just some of these different things that you don't have to understand the actual chemicals but what you do need to do is understand that where these chemicals are coming from and how to find them and how to look for them in your own environment. Again it's just about keeping your own environment clean. Some of these are actually called xeno estrogens and xeno estrogen is actually a type of xeno hormone and it really what it means is just that it's a chemical compound that imitates estrogen, basically like a fake estrogen and these can be synthetic or natural compounds. So starting with one of the most significant xeno estrogens that is out there that I highly recommend that you avoid is going to be bisphenol A, or BPA and that's a chemical used in plastics. In your body it imitates estrogen, now think about how much plastic you're around every day and how food, just about every container is in plastic. The evidence of BPA toxicity is overwhelming and basically what happens is your body identifies BPA as if it was real estrogen and this can lead to your body behaving like it's loaded with estrogen. So BPA has been been known to affect fertility, breast health, cause reproductive cancers initiate obesity diabetes and even early pregnancy. Now we've made a little bit of progress reducing the use of BPA but it was mostly a cover-up and most people don't know this, there's such a big market in BPA that the big companies when the baby bottle scandal came out with BPA, they were like 'okay let's just take BPA out of baby bottles', well they did that just so they could create a diversion so most people would say 'okay well these BPA is out of everything'. Well, the whole activist community pretty much stopped addressing the dangers of BPA after the baby bottle, because everybody just assumed it was gone and that's not the case, I means the BPA is still found in most food packaging sources. Back in 2008 Canada band baby bottles that contain BPA and at the time Walmart even volunteered to pull them off the shelf in the USA despite assurances from the FDA that the bottles were safe, again the FDA said that that BPA was safe, and it wasn't until 2010 where the FDA finally admitted that the national toxicology program studies were correct and that BPA was damaging to the brain, caused behavioral issues in children and affected the prostate gland, also affected fetuses and children. In 2011 the Harvard school of medicine published a study in the journal Pediatrics that found pregnant mothers exposure to BPA correlated behaviors of hyperactivity anxiety aggression and depression. I think that all of these childhood disorders that we're having problems with these days are all caused by chemicals. I'm a hundred percent sure of it because I know, but the problem is nobody else knows out there, but this is a Harvard school study right here I mean is telling you that. University of Virginia school of Medicine, when they exposed female mice to low levels of BPA before and during pregnancy, the offspring experienced measurable behavioral and neuronal changes. The genetic changes were detectable in the second third and even the fourth generation like I was saying earlier, it doesn't affect you now it can affect you four generations from now, can you imagine what happens four generations from now because of all these endocrine disrupting chemicals? That was published in the Journal of Endocrinology, it's not like I'm making thius stuff up, this is scientific evidence. 90% of us have detectable amounts of BPA in our urine on any given day. BPA is actually even found on receipts and money right now so if you touch any receipt you're most likely getting BPA, if you're touching money you're getting BPA and one of the things that people don't understand, how many people out there use the microwave oven, you know how many TV dinners and food packaging is packaged in plastics out there, you heat it in the microwave not only BPA but all the chemicals end up coming in to your food. So I'll tell you another thing how many people do you know the drink out of aluminum cans diet drinks beer out of aluminum cans canned food that's in your pantry canned peas carrots, whatever even if it's organic. One that I'm really upset about is the national organic program hasn't eliminated BPA from the cartons, a lot of the linings in milk cartons, coconut milk, almond milk is not organic and you anything anything that is not organic is going to have BPA lining inside the cans the metal cans, so how do you avoid BPA? First thing you want to do is avoid canned food, and you should be eating healthy live food anyway, almost all cans, milk containers, all that stuff especially if it's not organic is going to be BPA lined. Plastics with the recycling labels number one, number two and number four when you look on the bottom it has that little triangle with a number on it, those are the safer choice and do not contain BPA. Plastics marked with a PC for polycarbonate or a recycling number seven, be careful of those. Even a lot of the bottled water you have these days still have BPA or some other toxic plastic that sits out in the sun a lot of times at the convenience store or during shipping it can contain high levels that BPA.  next way to avoid BPA is going to be to not microwave your food or store food in plastic containers it will leech right into your food. Try not to handle, like I said earlier paper cash receipts, money, stuff like that, avoid drinking beer sodas, all that stuff in aluminum cans, if you're going to drink sodas, which you shouldn't be doing anyways because the body only wants and needs water after breast-feeding, then at least go to an organic food store and get your sodas or whatever in glass bottles and avoid any of the aluminum cans. Avoid cheap plastic toys, a lot of the swim toys, pretty much all the plastic toys that come from China are going to have toxic plastics and chemicals and that can be dangerous to your health and your child's health, so avoid plastic toys, one other cooking utensils you should use silicone or bamboo or something like that you just try to go all glass bamboo or silicon. The second xenoestrogen that I want to talk about is dioxins and dioxins are industrial chemicals that interfere with the male and female sex hormones. Dioxins really affects sperm quality and counts and even worse dioxins build up in the body and over time they damage the immune system and the reproductive systems. According to the World Health Organization, about 95% of human exposure to dioxins comes from the diet and the highest level of dioxins is usually going to be found in the fat content of meat and fish it's also found in cigarette smoke and also herbicides, herbicides are what you spray on your lawn or your lawn service that comes and sprays herbicides on there to kill off the weeds or different types of plants you don't want growing there. It's really hard to avoid dioxins because industrial use has contaminated much of the food supply so really you know eat organic and try to avoid you know animals that have high fat content, milk also has nonorganic milk is going to have higher levels of dioxins than organic milk and personally I would recommend switching over to almond milk hemp milk coconut milk stuff like that and slowly reducing beef intake and your meat intake. So that's dioxins. The third xenoestrogen that we're going to talk about is going to be atrazine from our friends not at Cengenta. Now anybody who doesn't know who Cengenta is, Cengenta is the big conglomerate like Monsanto which is destroying the planet with a bunch of chemicals and genetically modified research. Atrazine is a toxic herbicide which is primarily used on corn because so much corn is grown and atrazine is so heavily used, atrazine is a major drinking water contaminant. All the stuff sprayed on the farmlands ultimately leaches back into our water system, and if you think that your local municipal water plant is able to get the atrazine and the xeno estrogen and the pharmaceuticals and the chloride and all the other toxic chemicals out of water, no they cannot do that I mean when you drink tap water you literally drinking a chemical slew of poison, and your body is 8o to 90% water, so when you think about it, the body only wants and needs water yet the water is contaminated especially with all these hormone disrupting chemicals. According to the EPA atrazine is estimated to be the most heavily used herbicide in the US. 75% of the field corn acreage grown in the US is treated with atrazine. Mostly the research done by the EPA shows that hormonal activity specifically testosterone, progesterone, leutinizing hormone, estrogen and thyroid hormones are all affected by atrazine. As a matter of fact in 2010 the University of California Berkeley reported that atrazine has gender bending effects on frogs. Microscopic, low levels of atrazine, levels below what the EPA considers safe have turned male frogs into female frogs. Now that is pretty crazy, and not just male friends that look like female frogs, we're talking male to female frogs with completely viable eggs. Atrazine is linked to breast tumors delayed puberty and even prostate cancer so, the best way to avoid atrazine is going to just buy organic produce, people say buying organic is expensive but you have to avoid these things and you know the second way is to get a good water filtration system and try to avoid tapwater, yes it might be a little bit expensive to put a whole house system or under sink system whatever but you're if you ever go out to restaurants and buy bottled water sparkling or in the bottle they had a glass bottle, I mean it's hard, it really is because what are you going to do, all the restaurants cook their food in toxic water I don't know of too many restaurants to cook their food in pure filtered water with no you know xenoestrogens or anything like that I mean the whole purpose is to learn about how you can improve your health to learn about how you balance your hormones naturally even if you do one thing at a time the first step is education you become aware of all the stuff. So the number four endocrine disrupting chemical or xenoestrogen I'd like to talk about is phtalates. Phtalates are chemicals used to carry fragrances or soften plastics, they're used in sealants, cosmetics, perfumes, cologne, nail polish, water bottles again because phtalates make plastics flexible they even have phtalates on medications, a lot of medications for example Viagra and birth-control pills are coated with xenoestrogens phtalates which you know, why they are coated with phthalates makes no sense, body care products, plastic flooring adhesives, here's how they work, your body has a way of signaling when a cell should die, now when this is normal you're constantly regenerating new cells, the problem is phthalates prematurely trigger death inducing signal in cells, so instead of the normal process of when your cells are about to die they signals for new cells to start to regrow, with phthalates prematurely trigger the cell inducing signal so your cell sometimes before the're ready to die, die, and the cells that are most vulnerable to phthalates are going to be your testicular cells in men so phthalates have a direct relationship affecting hormones lowering sperm count, cause reproductive system birth defects, thyroid irregularities and they can also affect fertility and libido. The Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, the ones that just have absolutely no oversight over this toxic stuff and allow everything toxic to try to block everything natural, they require most cosmetic ingredients to be listed but here's the problem, they offer a loophole for fragrances so their formulas are considered these companies' formulas are considered proprietary secrets of the manufacturer can simply use the term fragrance on the label. The thing about phtalates is that the're a common ingredient in the air fresheners that most people use in their car and spray all over the place. Matter of fact 75% of US households use some sort of air freshener. So the California EPA warns that both are developmental because some of these fragrances might say 'all natural' they might say 'unscented' but two phtalates that are popular are known as DEP and DVP and both are developmental toxins and harmful to the female and male reproductive tract, but the thing is you never know about these because you can't, they're not listed on the label, there's no requirements, although in the European Union they've banned phthalates in cosmetics and children's toys in 2004 and 14 other countries have banned phthalates except for the US. Those other countries have also banned fluoride and a lot of the other toxic chemicals. The problem is that in those other countries people are actually standing up and saying this is a problem let's bring it to the legislator let's bring it to our local government agencies we can do something about it. So in one human study boys born to mothers with high phthalate urine levels were more likely to have smaller penises scrotums and undescended testicles. Here's another one, boys born to mothers with the highest level of phthalates were 4 to 10 times more likely to have reduced genital development. One study in Puerto Rico found that phthalates cause premature breast development in girls younger than eight. A 2005 study for instance suggested that phthalates could affect the genital development of boys and other research has associated the chemicals with the early onset of puberty in girls. According to Greenpeace, testing by an independent laboratory found phthalates in 21 out of 30 samples of children's products purchased from China.Why is that important because kids end up chewing on plastic toys all the time. So how do you avoiud phthalates? Well one thing I'm going to talk about over and over and over is regular body cleansing, I mean a lot of these things we're to be exposed to in a regular basis and we just need to keep cleansing our body and cleansing our body, especially until you can get all this stuff out, one thing that's been lost is the fact that we're just accumulating toxins and not doing anything about it. So cleansing the body regularly, avoiding the toxic chemical-based air fresheners, minimizing exposure to plastic toys, plastic wrap, food containers, body care and cosmetics, hygiene products, big source of phthalates you know if you have anything in your bathroom makeup, body lotion, shampoo, any of that stuff most likely every single thing in there's going to be an endocrine disruptor and you're going be absorbing that through your skin which is your largest organ, so one of the things you're going to do you need to either go down each ingredient that you don't understand on the label and type that ingredient in and then type in phthalate or endocrine disrupting chemical and you'll be able to pull up if that chemical's an endocrine disruptor, or you can just look at all those body care products and see if they contain 'fragrance', 'natural fragrance' or anything like that on the label and most likely it's going to have phthalates. The next xenoestrogen is perchlorate which is really rocket fuel believe it or not and it's chemically similar to the harmful halogens and it competes with iodine and can disrupt your thyroid hormones by causing harm to the iodine transpores and we're going to talk later on how important iodine actually is at balancing your hormones naturally, but the reason I want to mention rocket fuel is it can throw your metabolism out and it even affects your brain and organ development especially in kids, Perchlorates been found in 93% of the nation's milk and lettus supply in an FDA study. Because it's in the big rivers because of the run off from the jet fuel and the rocket fuel and all the other stuff that is coming down into the water, in the rain that is going into all the rivers and all the rivers are used, especially the Colorado River to irrigate a lot of the farms and when you take toxic water from the river and irrigate your farms well then guess what you have all those toxic chemicals in your food and ultimately in the water supply. Drinking water in 22 states has extremely high levels of perchlorate. Here's a statistic is that perchlorate has been found in the breastmilk of 97% of the mothers who were tested, and according to the EPA perchlorate is detrimental to the thyroid gland, metabolism and hormone balance. So how do you avoid perchlorate? Well number one you get enough iodine in your system to load the receptor site so your thyroid is not to be damaged, you want to drink purified water because perchlorate is a contaminant in most tap water and you want to try to eat organic foods as much as possible, keep coming back to the water and the organic foods because you're going to at least drastically reduce the amount of these chemicals if you are consuming pure clean water and pure clean organic foods especially if you grow your own food. Next thing is fire retardants. Fire retardants contain polybrominated, bromine is a toxic halogen again, diphenyl ether, they're called PBDE's. Now fire retardants disrupt hormonal activity and the way they do it is they imitate your thyroid hormones. They really affect cognitive function, and flame retardants, are in a lot of building materials while at work you might be exposed to the building materials. When you rip out carpet you know that foam under the carpet usually has high levels of fire retardants. Reupholstering furniture with the foam in there. So in 2007 mattresses sold in the US are required to have flame retardants on them, just obviously so if there's a fire in your room you don't catch fire. But these companies are heavily dosing them especially these memory foam mattresses are the worst because people buy these memory foam mattress and then they sleep there and not only the fire retardants but all these other chemicals these foams are made out of leach out and then you sit there and breathe these all the time all the time and then you know while you're sleeping your sleep is disturbed, and these are all endocrine disrupting or hormonal imbalancing chemicals. So avoid any products with brominated fire retardants and you know next time you buy curtains next time you buy fabrics next time you buy whatever you're going to buy, furniture for your house carpet, all that, you want to ask the manufacturer what type of chemicals what type of fire retardants and the type of material your carpets and everything are made of, a lot of them are actually made with petroleum based products,it's likethat statistic of a baby crawling on a standard floor ingales the equivalent of four cigarettes on a daily basis due to the amount of chemicals released in dust mites and all the other stuff that are on the floor in most houses with toxic carpet etc. The next endocrine disrupting chemical I'd like to talk about is perfluorinated chemicals, we talked about brominated, just to back up the toxic halogens are fluoride, bromine, chlorine, and the other halogen is iodine and that's the good one, so there's the bad ones and those are the things that we want to look out for that wreck havok on the endocrine system, especially your thyroid. So perfluorinated chemicals are like brominated except with a fluoride compound in them and this is your nonstick cookware everybody uses, the Teflon's and the waterproof coatings people put on their decking outside, spray on their shoes everything else. Most people wouldn't think that their Teflon and frying pan would release endocrine disrupting chemicals but those have been linked to decreased sperm count and 99% of Americans have these in their homes. So another sad thing is these things never really breakdown in the environment and as you get rid of these and go to the toxic dumps and everything it just keeps contaminating the system and contaminating the system. Actually a lot of the microwave food bags that contain different types of foods that you heat up in the microwave, those actually also contain perfluorinated compounds phthalates and toxic chemicals too, so how avoid those? Stay away from nonstick cookware and replace that with non-toxic ceramic-based nonchemical base cookware and for baking material use silicone, probably one of the best and that we use all the different types of ceramic type non-non-toxic a bunch of them out The next type of endocrine disruptor is glycol ethers and that's used in paint cleaning products and cosmetics as well, you know you see proprelyne glycol and a lot of different cosmetics, there are a few problems associated with these. First, animal studies have shown that glycol ethers shrink the testicles, if you notice a lot of these things really affect the males reproduction system, and that's still pretty serious considering that a lot of times when a couple can't get pregnant at times the woman is blamed but I can tell you from experience, a lot of fertility and infertility issues, where we've issued cleansing, a lot of the time the majority of time it's the male that has the problem, at least in the last 10 to 15 years. So how do you avoid glycol ethers, you avoid toxic cleaning products around your house, what I would do is go around your house, look at all the cleaning products that you have and replace those with non-toxic cleaning products that don't contain any of these chemicals. I personally use and recommend Branch basic, something that works awesome but there are plenty of organic all-natural cleaning products out there, order online or make your own, you can type in how to make DIY cleaning products or how to make your own organic cleaning products and you can just useorganic vinegar and water, there's many different types of recipes orange oil with water vinegar stuff add a little hydrogen peroxide in there, there's plenty of recipes that you can use that are going to produce endocrine disrupting chemicals. Now the next endocrine disruptor is lead. Now there's not as much lead around anymore as there used to be,but it's horrible to your whole body, I mean it can cause brain damage, it can lower your IQ, hearing loss, miscarriages, premature birth, increase blood pressure and kidney damage, nervous system potential problems but as far as hormones are concerned lead reduces the sex hormones and disrupts the hormone signaling process that controls how your bodies handle stress. Now 2013 study found that lead exposure can have disastrous effects on the reproductive system at 2012 study Turkish research found that chronic lead exposure was a factor responsible for erectile dysfunction. Sources of lead because they had to remove it from the paint but anything in your house that was painted before 1976 most likely still has a lot of lead and that can include toys, as a matter of fact they're still finding lead in toys coming from China right now so that can be another source anything for that matter painted outside of the US and imported in could contain lead and these are  some of the sources, bullets if you handle bullets a lot, curtain weights, some of the old silver candleholders that contain lead fishing sinkers or lead fishing weights, might have some lead in some of your pipes in your house, sink faucets might have some lead and can contaminated drinking water that's why eventually what I recommend is when you redo the piping of an old house use pex tubing which is a high density polyethylene which is not going to emit any type of plastic or any type of endocrine disrupting chemicals and it's not made of metal, a lot of these metals have different compounds in them that can over time rust and put stuff in your water system. Perhaps old paint sets, art supplies, jewelry, doing pottery lead figure stuff like that so those are some of the things I would recommend you look for around your house and then try to eliminate, or if you're in a job that has any type of exposure to that then limit that exposure, get out of that job, the best way to get let out your system is to do chemical and heavy metal cleansing on a regular basis and that's one of the reasons I'm so big again on cleansing. Definitely with the water again, coming back to water, purifying the water. The next endocrine disrupting chemical which is a poison is arsenic. Arsenic contamination of food and water is absolutely rampant. Arsenic affects hormones usually in the glutocordicoid system which is what controls how your body processes carbohydrates and sugars. When this process is disrupted it's going to cause weight gain, could cause weight loss, suppress your immune system make you more susceptible to diabetes osteoporosis and even high blood pressure. I definitely noticed and the pharmaceutical companies have noticed a massive spike in high blood pressure osteoporosis diabetes weight gain all these things, all this is directly related to hormone disruptors and other chemical disruptors and toxins that people are exposed to on a regular basis. The biggest exposure point for arsenic is the water tap water, air soil and pesticides so  again drinking clean water going organic clean food cleanin up the water in your house you take a shower in and also cleaning the air in your house as well you know a good air purification system, I use the remy units which produce ionize Hydro peroxides doesn't really matter some air cleaners are better than others but you definitely want to clean the air constantly in your home. Next endocrine disrupting metal is actually mercury, now most people don't know that mercury really damages the endocrine system, it's contaminated a massive portion of the seafood supply and new warnings just came out the other day concerning it's danger for pregnant women because of it's effects on fetal brain development. So mercury binds to hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation. This hormone interferes, whenever you have mercury interference it's damaging to the pancreas's ability to produce insulin and can also lead to diabetes. That's just the hormonal issues, that's not the many of the other problems that mercury causes within the system, and mercury's containing in vaccines, flu shots, all your dental amalgams, mercury's been linked hypothyroidism thyroid damage, autoimmune thyroiditis and impairs the T4 to T3 conversion which are two thyroid hormones. Mercury sources like I said that you need worry about is in water, there's actually Mercury pollution coming over in the air from China now so it's getting in our soil, so it's one of those things where you just need to avoid it as much as possible by drinking purified water again reducing the amount of seafood, especially the bigger the fish is the higher level of mercury it's going to contain obviously, so if you go to Global Healing Center and type in mercury in the search bar we had a all the levels of all the fishes there so it'd be a good idea to read more about that learn about how you can avoid mercury more often, if you do have dental mercury amalgams highly highly recommend you little biological dentist and get those removed because you're going to constantly be releasing mercury into your brain and . The next thing to talk about is DDT. DDT is not around as much as it was early on but DDT is still a huge problem, it's a pesticide and it has damaging and feminizing effects. Here's a shocking study that I want to read to you in the 1950s two Syracuse biologists showed that DDT stoped roosters from developing into normal adult roosters. DDT was injected into rooster chicks, they didn't get sick or die but they grew to resemble hens, their growth was stunted and they had testicles 18% of normal size, so basically the DDT effectively castrated the roosters and that is just a chemical that was sprayed everywhere, I've seen some of the commercials from back in the day in the 50s where they were spraying clouds of DDT over the children saying it's safe, just spraying pesticides on you everything is okay, so researchers at UC Davis found that injecting seagul eggs with DDE which is a breakdown product of DDT and another chemical a pesticide that binds to estrogen receptors caused the gulls reproductive tract to become female, even the male testicles contained female cells and the male gulls exposed to higher doses of the pesticidecombination even developed the egg laying tunnel the ovaduct that only the female gulls have.These pesticides and herbicides if you trace them back were developed by the Nazis for chemical warfare during World War two. After the war American scientists used the same chemistry to create pesticides and herbicides which are still used today. According to the USGS more than 88,000 tons of glyphosate from Monsanto were used in the United States in 2007, that was up 11,000 tons in 1992 and now two billion tons of pesticides are used annually in the United States, two billion tons of endocrine disrupting chemicals are being sprayed on our farmland throughout the United States and its increasing and increasing and increasing because these plants are developing immunity to, these herbicides the plants and weeds are developing immunity, so they keep having to spray more and more on there.  2009 Spanish research found that without a doubt the glyphosate based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors, human organophosphate exposure hurts brain development and fertility, lowers testosterone and thyroid hormone levels. Here's more, in 1985 it was known that organophosphate exposure decreased testosterone levels, why if it was known scientifically in 1985 that organophosphate exposure decreased testosterone levels and toxic why these companies were still allowed to spray billions of tons on all of our plants, that's because of the money and the inside workings of the lobbyist with the oil gas and the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical companies and everything just works together. Organophosphate have been linked to lowered IQ levels and increased rates of a ADHD rates in children. American Association of Poison Control Centers estimate that over 100,000 poisonings annually in America are due to pesticides.So why are they a problem, pesticides mimic estrogen. So now moving to you shortly are GMO foods because about 88% of the corn and 94% of the soy is now genetically modified and this is where we get a lot of our food and that's why it's a good idea to switch to organic. While we're talking about organic produce, GMO foods exacerbate hormone problems by attacking the largest endocrine organ the intestines and this is why GMO's are such a problem because corn and soy and canola oil cottonseed oil and a lot of the things that these foods are made with can cause health issues because our bodies don't process genetically modified foods the same as non-GMO foods. In 2012 a study that suggested that sex hormones are vulnerable to GMO and Roundup treatments. Corn is in everything we eat and almost all corn is GMO and it's doused with glyphosate which is round up, everybody's heard and everybody has around I'm sure you probably have Roundup in your garage somewhere that you spray on all the weeds, so you know, the more people that use it and how we get around is everybody needs to stop buying and supporting these main companies that are messing everybody up and they spray their yard with all this Roundup and they spray and the children run out in the yard and play then get all these endocrine disrupting chemicals.  Of course we're told that only insects are affected by this BT toxin, this BT toxin actually blows the stomach up of insects that eat is actually a programed into the corn, mostly corn but other GMO plants so when the insects eat it it blows up their stomach and works as an insecticide but it actually now has been found harmful to the human digestive tract and is what causes leaky syndrome. So the G.I. tract is your largest endocrine organ so if you disrupt the G.I. tract you're actually going to have disruption from allowing these estrogens not to be broken down properly and these perforations in the gut to allow all these endocrine disrupting chemicals to pass directly into the bloodstream, so it's very important to try to avoid any genetically modified foods look on the label, buy organic, again educate yourself, throw out any Roundup or any herbicides that you might have around your house that's how you are going to avoid these things. Cosmetics is a huge huge problem because the cosmetics industry has almost 0 oversight and is hugely at fault for these hormone disrupting products, perfumes colognes basically 99% of the fragrances used in cosmetics are synthetic chemicals produced from a benzene ring or a phenyl group. You have to be a chemist but these rings when you have a benzyl group or a phenyl group fit into estrogen receptors. So cosmetics have a ton of xenoestrogen chemicals and these xenoestrogen chemicals mimic estrogen, they're fat-soluble which you know estrogen is absorbed in fat and the problem is all these cosmetics are absorbed through your skin they stimulate the estrogen receptors in the breasts and cause fibrocystic breast disease and can even cause cancer. In fact 2008 study showed, it was called 'Are lipsticks changing your cup size?' and basically showed that the lipstick even has endocrine disrupting chemicals that can change your cup size. Sunscreens, makeup, the thing that concerns me a lot  how many parents who want to protect their kids slather them up with all this sunscreen anytime they go outside and it's a major problem, it's been shown now that sunscreen has endocrine disruptors in it and actually initiates skin cancer. In one test a chemical common in sunscreen was mixed with olive oil and applied to rat skin, it doubled the uterine growth. Who would have ever thought that sunscreen was going disrupt hormones in children and adults. So I would recommend, like we talked about earlier, go through all your cosmetics, everything you slather on your skin and make sure that you switch to organic or natural sources, and I mean, I know people that apply sunscreen to their kids twice a day every single day, even the things that we talk about today, if you were to make one change a week, you're still going to be making progress, switching over to natural organic things instead of toxic things. Another endocrine disrupting product that most people don't even know about is laundry detergent. When detergents in general breakdown they release alkylphenols. Alkylphenols have infiltrated the water supply and they been shown to create hermaphrodite fish. In 2004 fish that were half male and half female were discovered below the sewage treatment plants in Denver and in Boulder Colorado and eventually people drink this water so, lookout for dry cleaning, when you drycleaner your clothes  make sure you go to a natural drycleaner because when you put those close on you sweat, your skin absorbs some of those chemicals in. Look at your laundry detergent, what are you sing to wash your kids' and your families' clothes with? Switch to an organic all-natural laundry detergent. So estrogens, some of the other things, unfortunately synthetic hormones from medications are also being found in the drinking water, every time a woman on the pill goes to the bathroom minute ammounts of hormones end of going to the water supply. So again make sure that you are drinking clean water. A natural endocrine disruptor is soy, we touched on it with the GMOs but soy is a big time product that I recommend everybody avoid, and soy is in everything these days, look at the label you'll see soy lechithin, soy proteins, soy this, soy that. First of all most of the soy is GMO, secondly soy contains phytoestrogens. Now fermented soy is going to be a lot safer for you to eat, but we already have estrogen dominance, and so my recommendation is to not increase the amount of estrogen in your body but to decrease it, so one ofthe things I recommend highly is that you avoid soy and the phytoestrogens in soy. Some of the other food things that you might not know about that might have endocrine disrupting things is gluten. Gluten is something that I have studied for a long time and I must admit I was eating wheat and always felt rundown and low-energy but gluten has been shown to affect the thyroid, and it's not just people that are gluten intolerant, it's everybody. Anyone who has thyroid disorders, and it might not be labeled as gluten intolerant, is gluten intolerant. As a matter of fact gluten has a molecular structure that closely resembles the thyroid gland and when its' proteins pass through your gut and into your bloodstream, your immune system tags it for destruction. It doesn't matter if you have a gluten insensitivity or not, the fact is every single person on the planet is allergic to gluten because your immune system will tag it as a toxin no matter what. Because the protein is so similar to the thyroid, the thyroid gets attacked too, and the immune system's response to gluten in the body can last up to six months each time you consume it. Now that is a fact that I found that I did not know and is incredibly startling to me and that's why I do not eat any gluten. You eat gluten and then your immune system can be depressed for up to six months each time you consume gluten. So gluten is an endocrine disruptor, avoid gluten, it's absolutely vital to completely eliminate gluten from your diet. You don't have to do it right now all of a sudden, it's kind of hard to go gluten free, type in online 'how to go gluten free', and there's lots of sources out there. The next source is fluoride which was identified as an endocrine disruptor in a 2006 report that stated that fluoride effects normal endocrine function or response, although not in the sense of mimicking a natural hormone. So really it affects the thyroid the pancreas the pineal gland and parathyroid and most of your fluoride exposure is going to come through water sources, so again to eliminate fluoride as an endocrine disruptor drink purified water. Aluminum is also an endocrine disruptor and that's in the chemtrails that you see overhead that there's high levels of aluminum falling if you don't kknow what chemtrails are it's proven the government has, it's documented it's not a conspiracy, yes they're spraying high levels of aluminum nanoparticles all over the United States and all over the world in an attempt to 'cool the earth' and through global warming, so aluminum cans aluminum deodorants, what you want to do is limit your sources of aluminum. The next toxic endocrine disruptor is aspartame. If anyone out there is drinking diet drinks or diet sodas anything that's sugar-free, make sure it doesn't have aspartame in it.  There were studies done at the University in South Africa that shows that aspartame is a potent neurotoxin, it's been shown to be an endocrine disruptor, University of Barcelona showed that aspartame is transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of living specimens and formaldehyde is also a toxic endocrine disruptor, aspartame is also found in water supplies, so highly recommend you limit all aspartame. Parabens are preservatives used in deodorants, makeup, body lotions, moisturizers, cosmetic products. Look for parabens, and if you have parabens in your product that's  an endocrine disruptor, again go to natural sources instead. Triclosan it's a germ killing ingredient in soaps, deodorants, even toothpaste. As a matter of fact Minnesota just banned triclosan which is great it's going to be the first state, and again it's going to be in water supplies so look at all the soaps which you're using, all the handheld soaps and stuff like that. Also if you're viewing prescription medications online, we talked about it, you want to look online ingredients in a prescription medication phthalates are in a lot of drug coatings a lot of the psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, and antianxiety medications those have endocrine disrupting chemicals in them. Alcohol can make your endocrine system behave in a sloppy way just like someone who's had too many drinks, alcohol affects blood sugar levels, reproductive function, calcium metabolism, it can interfere with the testes and ovaries, can result in hormone deficiencies, sexual dysfunction and alcohol can even result in infertility. Alcohol's been shown to be toxic to the testes, reduces testosterone levels in men here's a study normal healthy men who received alcohol for four weeks had their testosterone levels decline after only five days, and the levels continue to fall throughout the study period. So if you're trying to balance your hormones naturally, these are the things which you are going to want to avoid and I'm going to post these notes under this video on the Global Healing Center site so you can look through all my notes and have references to the studies. I know this is getting long but I wanted to cover all these things because there are so many different topics on hormone balancing and so many people are looking out there 'how do I balance my hormones?' You balance your hormones by avoiding hormone disrupting chemicals. So for premenopausal women for example alcohol contributes to irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual cycles without ovulation, early menopause and increase risk of spontaneous abortions. Postmenopausal women who drink have higher estradiol levels than those who don't alcohol can increase the conversion of testosterone into estradiol. Bottom line alcohol is not good if you're trying to balance your hormones or trying to get pregnant. Another thing I'd like to focus on is stress. stress is important, it's important to minimize your stress, skipping meals, overexercising, underexercising, bad sleep, processed foods, refined sugars, all the chemicals and toxins that we talk about, when you're stressed, there's stress and distress, we're talking about distress where you're out of balance, stress affects the stress hormones mainly cortisol. Cortisol interferes with your balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that regulate mood, your emotions and cognitive function. Without hormone balance we don't have neurotransmitter balance, if you don't have neurotransmitter balance we're just in a reactive responsive survival mode, that means you're not in control, your fight or flight a sympathetic state and that's not the way to live, we want to be in the parasympathetic state. Stress has been shown to decrease progesterone levels and make your body think more estrogen is there. That's because progesterone is the precursor form which all other hormones are created including adrenal hormones. So a stressful situation increases production of corticosteroids to defend against the stress but if you're constantly stressed your body can't produce enough progesterone and that would lead to adrenal exhaustion, that's why a lot of people right now are suffering with adrenal fatigue, they're constantly fatigued. So just to recap the pesticides in food and water, toxic metals, industrial chemicals, poisoning cosmetic products, phthalates, BPA, might sound like a lot but it's really about avoiding and learning how to read the labels and avoid all these things. So now I'm going to go over some natural solutions these are some things you can do, it's not a bad idea to get a baseline of where your hormones are, working with a natural practitioner, someone who specializes in endocrine balancing, stuff like that who can take some blood urine and saliva tests to measure hormones as a baseline, but I can tell you that will happen is as soon as you get your tests and you hormone levels back, if you avoid all these things and you continue to clean your body then most likely those tests are going to be more close to normal every time you go in, instead of that individual putting you on hormone replacement therapy. Always look at what is the natural way to balance hormones. Hormone balancing is really a fountain of youth if you think about it, it's important for women and men you talk about hormones and most think it's just for women but more and more men are having hormone problems and they just don't realize it, so it's very important to balance them out and the solution number one out of everything else is to cleanse your body, cleanse your body, cleanse your body. Internal body cleansing is the most effective way to encourage normal hormone balancing, and for fertility for that matter, we had a fertility program all we would do we had people come in saying 'I couldn't get pregnant' they were spending  $250,000 on IVF, different types of fertility programs everything, I said okay let's clean your body let's go through an intestinal cleanse, a couple liver and gallbladder cleanses, a heavy metal cleanse, parasite cleranse, we didn't even get into parasites but parasites can extract and go to the bathroom in your body, and what they extract is different types of phenols formaldehyde and endocrine disrupting chemicals, so parasite cleansing, kidney cleansing, all that and we just had them go through a round of cleansing and then sure enough within two or three months their body is so clean and they're avoiding all the endocrine disrupting chemicals that they got pregnant and they had a healthy baby and so that's what I recommend, everybody do this before they get pregnant but anyone who is having thyroid any type of symptoms, endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormonal imbalance, have to clean clean clean and one of the big things is cleaning the liver, because over half of all the T4 is converted to T3 in the liver. that's a thyroid hormone. If that conversion is obstructed or compromised, hormones are going to be out of sync. For that matter most estrogen is metabolized in the liver and if it's not metabolized it just lingers and causes problems so that's why it's so important to have your liver functioning correctly and your GI tract, which is the largest endocrine organ, and hormones are secreted by the stomach, pancras, small intestine, that's why the GI tract needs to be healthy. If you're not having two bowel movements a day, if you're not able to eliminate properly and you have constipation or gas or bloating or any type of GI issues, it can cause estrogen and leaky gut that to be reabsorbed into the blood and all these phytoestrogen and all these endocrine disrupting chemicals, so that's why I recommend keeping your intestines clean on a regular basis using oxypowder a couple times a week just keeping everything cleaned, using some good probiotics, primaldefense ultra, the lateral flora, but that's what I use. Then, solution number two is regular chemical and toxic metal cleansing and that's getting rid of any mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum. You have to continually clean the chemicals out of your body, if they're coming in you have to get rid of them. I use Zeotrex for that you can use whatever you want, but these are the solutions. Solution number three is to increase your exercise because naturally with exercise when you sweat, well actually weight training by itself increases adrenal hormones and beta receptors in gut fat, and when you rest and recover, all that is therapeutic. Chiropractic, massage, meditation, sauna, far infrared saunas another way to eliminate that toxic metals and chemicals. So increasing your exercise and your bodywork, allowing your body to become natural and unstressed, acupuncture also to work on rebalancing your hormones through bodywork. Solution number four is decrease your stress, that's something that's part of everybody's life and you can be stressed out just by sitting under fluorescent lighting, the way I deal with stress is meditation. Besides that, one of the best ways that I feel that reduces and calms a stressful situation is meditation, besides that studies showed a meditation dramatically boost DHEA levels and stress lowers melatonin, when you're stressed you're going to have lower melatonin levels and people who meditate are able to maintain healthy levels melatonin by reducing the stress and restoring balance and they sleep better also, so deep meditation has been shown to dramatically boost levels of human growth hormone also and serotonin. Cortisol is one of the hormones you want the less amounts of and meditation has been proven to significantly decrease levels of cortisol, so I recommend starting off with about nine minutes twice a day meditation, some techniques and the breathing techniques you can go online and look at different meditation techniques online but started nine minutes twice a day and then move up as much. Solution number five is get restful sleep. I can't say that enough you know your body needs to do heal when you sleep that means not having a bunch of electronics around your bed not having lights blinking when you sleep, a dark environment, not sleeping is going to affect your hormones, it's going to negatively affect your hormones. Follicle stimulating hormones and leutinizing hormones are among the hormones released during your sleep, thyroid stimulating hormones are released pior to sleep. Deep sleep has been shown to increase the release of human growth hormone and even in 2011 a study found that infant growth spurts were associated with increased and consolidated sleep, this is directly a result of the increase of growth hormone during sleep. So sleep is extremely important. Next solution number six is to eliminate the endocrine disrupting chemicals, eating organic fruits and vegetables avoiding pesticides, avoiding soy, aspartame, artificial sweeteners, non-toxic cookware, if you're drinking coffee make sure that you switch to organic coffee because 80% of the coffee sprayed with toxic pesticides which are endocrine disruptors. So if you go over there to your favorite coffee shop in the morning you're getting endocrine disruptors in the milk and most likely the tap water that they use to make the coffee. Avoid GMOs, whean you eat meat make sure it's organic, only range free eggs, avoid sugary and processed foods don't drink from aluminum cans, not canned foods, limit your alcohol consumption, cook with distilled or purified water, don't microwave food, avoid containers with BPA, avoid plastic cutting boards and all that stuff cutting utensils use bamboo or you can use even ceramic knives these days, use non-toxic detergent for dishwasher for laundry detergent, get rid of all your chemical fertilisers and herbicides and all that stuff in your garage, look at all your cosmetics, body care products, switch to organic all-natural non-toxic, these are all hormone disruptors. There are some natural supplements too depending on your hormonal imbalances stemming from you might want to take dietary supplements and recommend working with natural health care practitioner after looking at all the causes and eliminating all those, most likely your hormones will balance anyway, but one of the things that I recommend for everybody not just people that are suffering from hormone deficiencies, iodine wekeep coming back to that and coming back that, I suggest that you look at iodine webinar that's out there, but without a doubt is going to play one of the biggest roles in maintaining balance hormones, the entire body needs iodine, every single endocrine cell needs iodine, but it's really used heavily by three organs which is the thyroid, the breast tissue and ovaries, men also use iodine in the reproductive organs prostate testes, so highly recommend you watch that. Some herbs you might want to check out that are effective in balancing the hormones naturally Tribulus terrestris, suma root, ashwagandha, maca or Peruvian ginseng, avena sativa, tongkat ali, wild yams, some of the cohoshes. The first thing is to get rid of the things causing your hormone disruption and second is to clean your body as best as you possibly can, once you have all that done then I would look into using or supplementing different hormone supplements. I use androtrex which contains a lot of these things, for males naturaly your hormones are going to decrease with age, naturaly a woman's hormones are going to be altered during age, what can you do naturaly to regulate some of that, cleansing of course, as long as you're in a natural state that's what you want. I developed a product called female fusion to help balance out hormones naturaly. Hormone replacement therapy is not a good idea, just putting a bandaid over a problem, first of all if your hormones are imbalanced you need to get to the root cause of that, not just add more hormones especially synthetic hormones to the mix and that is what bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is just pharmaceutical hormones which you don't know where they're getting from with molecules that are exact copies of human hormones, but any hormone you taking from pharmaceutical company has to be synthesized and they might say it's the same thing when synthetic hormones are similar but they're not and they tend to fit less precisely on your hormone receptors and that's why the ugly side effects that you might've seen in the news lately the testosterone replacement therapy is associated with heart problems there menopausal hormone therapy has cancer risks so if you're on HRT it's imperative that your intestinal health is at the highest to eliminate toxins prevent the hormones from being absorbed in your gut and also probiotics are within balance. We all need to do this to not only save ourselves save the children but to save the Earth, we're losing 200 species a day a lot of this has to do with chemicals. Until next time look around your house start today eliminating these toxic chemicals from the environment and start cleansing." Are Plastic Water Bottles Causing you to Gain Weight and Contribute to Diabetes & Cancer?An overweight man takes a drink of water after a long workout.by Cat Ebeling & Mike Gearyco-authors of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that Fight AgingSurrounded by a sea of plastic and hormone-disrupting chemicals that includes plastic water bottles, plastic soda bottles, plastic bags, plastic food containers, soaps, shampoos, food packaging and pans treated with nonstick coatings, studies are showing definite connections between plastic compounds and serious diseases like diabetes and obesity. Not only that, but more and more evidence is also pointing to other serious health issues such as infertility, hormone-related reproductive cancers, neurological issues and other disorders.Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) also referred to as “Xenoestrogens” or synthetic estrogens, cause serious health problems because they mimic estrogen among other hormones. By hijacking important chemical messengers in the body, EDC’s actually can change the way cells develop and grow. These chemicals are showing up in men, women, breastfeeding mothers and babies.Xenoestrogens actually amplify the effect of estrogen in the body. These toxic hormones actually can build up over time, creating an overload of estrogen. Individuals with any kind of estrogen dominance health condition (such as breast or ovarian cancer) should be especially careful to avoid xenoestrogens. And this is especially harmful to men.Xenoestrogens have been linked to feminization in men (man boobs, loss of testosterone, low sperm counts, etc.), infertility, and unnaturally early puberty in girls. This buildup of synthetic female hormones increases the risk of reproductive cancer as well.Exposure of lab species and wild animals to xenoestrogens has been found to cause abnormalities in the reproductive systems of these animals. Xenoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in both animals and humans including: reproductive tissue, body fat, the hypothalamus, and pituitary glands. And, studies in mice show that xenoestrogens can cause progressive degeneration of testicular tissue and sexual dysfunction in both sexes.According to Andrea C. Gore, Professor of Pharmacology at University of Texas, and chair of a task force on hormone disrupting chemicals, “The evidence is more definitive than ever—EDC’s disrupt hormones in a manner that harms human health. Hundreds of studies are pointing to the same conclusion…You may have a healthy meal, but if it’s in a plastic container [or cooked in a nonstick pan], it’s leaching chemicals.”Based on information from over 1,300 studies, there is strong evidence to show a link between common hormone disrupting chemicals and serious health issues such as:• Type 2 Diabetes• Obesity• Heart disease• Infertility/Impotence• Hormone-sensitive cancers in women (breast, endometrial, ovarian)• Prostate cancer• Thyroid problems• Poor brain development and brain function in young children• Feminization in men: low sperm count, breast developmentWhile there are about 85,000 chemicals known to be in use, it is not known for sure how many of these chemicals actually disrupt hormones, but at least 1,000 are known human toxins.Some of the known EDCs include bisphenol A (BPA) found in food can linings, cash register receipts; phthalates found in plastics and cosmetics; flame retardant chemicals and various pesticides. The chemicals are so common that nearly every person on Earth has been exposed to at least one or more of these.And a mother’s exposure to even tiny amounts of EDCs during her pregnancy can trigger obesity in her child. These EDCs can target cells in the pancreas, the liver and the fat cells in the body, leading the way for insulin resistance, and high insulin levels which are direct risk factors for the development of Type 2 diabetes.When looking at just one of these endocrine disrupting chemicals, it was found that having higher BPA levels was associated with a diabetes rate 50% higher than having lower levels of this harmful chemical!Two other chemicals, di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) and di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP), both known as ‘phthalates’, used in plastic food wrap, soaps, cosmetics and food containers have been directly linked to insulin resistance and diabetes in children and adolescents, as well as high blood pressure.These chemicals are not the only offenders. Endocrine disrupting chemicals and xenoestrogens also include:• Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S, which are used in some plastics, metal food cans, and cash register receipts• Phthalates, a class of chemicals that are used to soften plastic and also used in some perfumes, soaps, shampoos, and cosmetics• Some pesticides, like DDT• Triclosan, an antibacterial chemicalThese chemicals can act at very low doses.EDC’s, which include xenoestrogens, can be found in pesticides, plastics, fuels, personal care products preservatives and drugs. Below is a partial list of some of the EDC’s we come into contact with on a daily basis:• alkylphenols (chemicals used in the manufacture of other chemicals)• atrazine (a common household weed killer)• 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (sunscreen lotions)• 4-hexylresorcinol (color preservative for shrimp and shellfish).• butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (a very common food preservative)• bisphenol A (used in plastics including food containers and water bottles)• DDT (insecticide)• erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3 (food coloring)• ethinylestradiol (oral contraceptive pill)• heptachlor (insecticide)• nonylphenol and derivatives (surfactants, cleansers, emulsifiers for detergents; pesticides)• pentachlorophenol (wood preservative)• polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints)• parabens (skin lotions)• phenosulfothiazine (red dye)• phthalates (plasticizers)• DEHP (plasticizer for PVC/polyvinyl chloride used in pipes and many other applications)• Propyl gallate (used to protect oils and fats in foods from oxidation)Many of the EDC’s listed above are contained in processed, packaged foods and in conventionally-grown, non-organic produce as either preservatives and/or pesticides.Another group of xenoestrogens is found in commercially-raised dairy, meat and eggs. Commercial dairy and egg farmers often feed estrogenic chemicals to milk cows and chickens because it will increase production of milk and eggs. Commercially-raised meat and dairy get a double dose of xenoestrogens from the pesticides they ingest in their feed source as well. This alone makes commercial dairy, eggs and meat major sources of xenoestrogens.Yes, this list can be mind-boggling and overwhelming. So what are the top ten endocrine disrupting items to avoid? Let’s take a look at this list Dr. Joseph Mercola recently published:1. Pthlatates in personal care products2. Tap water AND individual plastic water bottles3. Canned foods4. Conventionally grown produce5. Conventionally raised meat, poultry and dairy6. Fish containing mercury7. Kitchen products—nonstick cookware, plastic storage containers8. Cleaning products9. Office products—printer’s ink and toner10. Cash register receiptsYes, we are surrounded by these chemicals in every aspect of our lives, and they are hard to avoid. Here are some ways to minimize your exposure EDC’s and xenoestrogens:• Avoid all synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides by eating organic whenever possible, especially the “dirty dozen*” of the highest sprayed produce.• Avoid using pesticides and herbicides outdoors, especially on your lawn.• Avoid all plastic containers, especially individual sized water bottles, and plastic food containers. Do not store hot food in plastic. Use glass whenever possible.• Avoid microwaving in plastic and avoid using plastic wrap.• Avoid using nail polish, avoid acrylic nails and nail polish remover• Avoid lotions, hair products and cosmetics that are not “all-natural”. Especially avoid products containing parabens. Unfortunately, the more inexpensive brands usually have the most toxic ingredients.• Eat only organic, grass fed meats and wild caught fatty fish as much as possible. Consume only organic dairy products.• Use organic, natural soaps and toothpastes.• Use natural household cleaners.• Use only naturally based perfume or essential oils. Most commercial perfumes are full of petrochemicals and preservatives containing xenoestrogens.• Use naturally based, non-petroleum based laundry detergents and dish detergents.A healthy diet rich in certain foods is also a key way to avoid and combat these estrogenic compounds in our environment. Specific components of these foods help to block uptake and absorption of xenoestrogens as well and cleanse the body of any excess that may be stored. Eating a whole foods based diet, high in plant-based organic foods will help to keep your system clean. Follow a Paleo-style, unprocessed foods diet, like the Fat Burning Kitchen diet will also help you avoid these dangerous chemicals.Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, and cabbage are estrogen inhibiting and prevent these artificial hormones from being absorbed into our system. Onions and garlic contain quercetin that is also anti-estrogenic, immune enhancing and detoxifying.Omega 3 fats such as those in grass fed meats and wild caught fatty fish are also essential as a safeguard against xenoestrogens. Omega 3 fats have been found to be highly beneficial in estrogen balance and metabolism.Other helpful foods included green tea, citrus fruits, organic (full fat) dairy such as grass fed butter and raw grass fed cheeses, raw nuts and seeds, avocados and organic virgin olive oil. Eating organic greens, herbs and organic fruit also adds to the antioxidant potential in the body further protecting and enhancing the body’s natural balance.*The Environmental Working Group publishes yearly a “Dirty Dozen “list of top endocrine disrupters, and a “Dirty Dozen” list of the produce with the highest pesticides and preservatives. The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database lists brands that are free of most must-avoid ingredients and Care2 has compiled a list of non-toxic nail polishes. PETA also features a comprehensive index of beauty brands that do not test on animals.Beware that not all water filters are created equally.  Some leave dangerous contaminants lingering in your water, making it unsafe to drink.  Click here to see my favorite water filter  Environmental Toxins click here                                                                             click again to closeA sensible approach to eliminating neurotoxins Klinghardt, DietrichIs your home making you sick?NaturalNews) Most people may not give this a second thought, but perhaps the environment in your home may be making you sick. There are literally hundreds of factors that could be affecting the safety factor of your home. Let's take a look at a few of the most potential sources of dangerous toxins. 1. Furniture and fixturesThe worst culprit in the home is formaldehyde. It is classified as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It is a colorless and flammable chemical that is used in building materials, furniture, carpets and many household products. It is even found in "wrinkle-free" and preshrunk clothing. Significant sources of formaldehyde are fuel-burning appliances such as gas stoves and kerosene heaters. Since this toxic gas may be floating around in your home, try to keep your home well ventilated, especially at night. Live, green plants help oxygenate your home and absorb many toxins. 2. Cleaning productsThe average household has over three gallons of toxic cleaners in it. The most dangerous chemicals are "ethylene based glycols that are used in floor cleaners, paints, plastics and in synthetic fibers. According to the EPA, this water soluble solvent is classified as a hazardous air pollutant. Cleaning products that contain bleach (floor cleaners, dishwasher and clothing detergents, bathroom cleaners) and similar disinfectants can react to create volatile chlorinated compounds. A 2008 European study found that inhalation of these chlorine-based compounds could "significantly increase the cancer risk." Eliminating toxic cleaning products can be as simple as purchasing "green" and non-toxic products at your local natural market. For the more adventurous cleaner, you can make your own. Vinegar and water is a great disinfectant and degreaser. Baking soda sprinkled with clove oil can be used to scrub and disinfect your bathroom. 3. Pest controlInsecticides that are sprayed in your home contain chemicals that affect your nervous system, your endocrine system and hormones and may even be carcinogenic. For a non-toxic approach to insect problems in your home, refer to this NaturalNews article: http://www.naturalnews.com. 4. Dry cleaning chemicalsEver wonder what that distinct smell is on your clothes when you bring them home wrapped in plastic from the dry cleaners? That chemical smell is PERC or percloroethylene. PERC breaks down into several byproducts like carbon tetrachloride, a known liver carcinogen.Make sure you remove the plastic wrap and aerate your clothes in the garage or outside for 24 hours before you wear them. 5. EMF'sWould you ever consider your Wi-Fi router and computer as sources of dangerous toxins? Electro-pollution has been labeled the deadliest toxin on the planet. You don't see it, feel it, smell it or taste it, but it is affecting you 24/7. Educate yourself about scientifically validated products that help to neutralize the effects of the EMF's. Unplug your router at night and don't have any active electronics in your bedroom when you are bedding down for the night.Obviously, we can't live in a bubble and remove ourselves from ALL toxic exposure. However, if you take small steps to clean up your personal environment and slowly reduce your toxic exposure then hopefully your home will truly become a safe haven.http://www.naturalnews.com/036962_indoor_air_toxic_chemicals_cleaning_products.html The major toxins in your waterhttp://www.naturalnews.com/037205_water_toxins_arsenic.htmlAre these familiar foods poisoning you with cadmium?flax has been embraced as an exceptionally healthy food, since it supplies ample amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, along with notable levels of lignins and fiber. Women wishing to avoid breast cancer have eagerly included the seed in their diet after learning about the protective phytoestrogens that flax supplies. However, researchers have discovered that flax also introduces cadmium into the body -- which is notorious for encouraging breast cancer, kidney disorders, heart disease and osteoporosis. The soluble fiber of flax increases cadmium absorption, while the crop itself is known to take up cadmium from the soil, thereby infusing the plant with the metal. Flax grown in heavily contaminated soil poses the greatest threat. Parts of Canada, where a majority of the world's flaxseed is grown, tend to have high cadmium in the soil. North and South Dakota, two other large flax producers, also have soil with elevated levels. And flaxseed from China and India -- two countries infamous for heavy metal pollution -- are more likely than not to be contaminated. Since organic (as well as conventional) food isn't tested for heavy metals by the USDA, the certified organic label is worthless in regard to cadmium found in flax. You can learn more about this state of affairs here. Regrettably, flax isn't the only edible at risk. Shellfish frequently contains cadmium as the result of environmental pollution. Inexpensive shrimp from Asia is one of the worst examples. Oysters from the east and west coasts of Canada are problematic too. Sunflower plants are also prone to accumulating cadmium. Beware of oil and seed butters made from sunflower, especially those grown in North and South Dakota. Polluted Louisiana is one of the main growing regions for rice in the United States, which is yet another crop that easily absorbs the metal. Additionally, if you are a fan of dried apricots, try to source varieties other than those grown in Turkey, which are often loaded with cadmium. Moreover, free-range escargot snails test high due to contaminated soil. Indian black mustard can also be troublesome.California has been spraying toxic, cancer-causing fracking chemicals on food crops for 20 yearsLearn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051264_fracking_crops_California.html#ixzz3mfsShygGInterview with Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred-Year Lie, on the prevalence of toxic chemicalsLearn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/019434_harmful_chemicals_polluted_environment.html#ixzz3mfK752QXFive ingredients that poison your brainhttp://www.naturalnews.com/049315_brain_health_poisonous_ingredients_chemicals.htmlGlyphosate could combine with aluminum to increase neurological and gut flora issuesLearn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048620_glyphosate_aluminum_gut_flora.html#ixzz3mfPrchGgChemical Causes of Diabetes: Overeating Is Not the Only ProblemMedical science has discovered how sensitive the insulin receptor sites are to chemical poisoning. Metals such as cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead, fluoride and possibly aluminum may play a role in the actual destruction of beta cells through stimulating an auto-immune reaction to them after they have bonded to these cells in the pancreas. It is because mercury and lead attach themselves at highly vulnerable junctures of proteins that they find their great capacity to provoke morphological changes in the body. Changes in pancreatic function are among the pathogenetic mechanisms observable during lead intoxication.Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/023701_diabetes_food_exposure.html#ixzz3mfMKndBa6j) Environmental ToxinsIf you’re an average American between the ages of 58 and 92, new research shows your body is polluted with 700 synthetic chemicals as well as heavy metals like mercury, lead and arsenic.  And most likely, you’ve heard how important it is to detox your body of these chemicals and heavy metals.  These toxins are making you sick… and Natural Health doctors say they must come out. 5 Surprising Sources of ToxinsSurprising Source #1: Canned Food85% of all food cans sold in the U.S. — even those containing organic food — are lined with a plastic coating containing the chemical bisphenol A (BPA).According to researchers at the Yale School of Medicine, even low doses of BPA can lead to memory problems and brain aging. Surprising Source #2: Airline SeatsThe day I discovered this surprising source of toxins was a very sad day - as I travel so very much - visiting patients, lecturing, attending conferences.The interiors of airplanes are drenched in a flame retarding chemical called PBDE. PBDEs are added to just about anything that burns — mattresses, carpets, plastic television casings, and more. Over time, PBDEs escape from these treated plastics and fabrics into the dust and air we breathe. National Geographic Magazine recently paid to have one of its reporters tested for PBDEs as part of an investigation into chemical contamination. The reporter flies thousands of miles each year as part of his job. The reporter’s tests showed that his blood level of one particular PBDE was off the charts — higher than if he worked at a factory that manufactured the chemical! PBDEs are associated with permanent and serious neurological damage in laboratory animals. Research shows that most Americans already have toxic levels of this chemical in their bodies. Surprising Source #3: Your CarThe dashboard of your car is loaded with toxic chemicals called phthalates. Phthalates make plastic more pliable and soft. Over time, phthalates “sweat” out of the dashboard and into the air you breathe. That’s why in older cars, the dashboard becomes more brittle. (More of these chemicals escape as the interior of your car overheats - summer months more exaggerated issue.) Phthalates interfere with testosterone production, causing testosterone levels to plummet. This leads to low sex drive, fatigue, reduced muscle mass and more. Surprising Source #4: Prescription and Over-the-Counter DrugsOver 55 commonly used medications — including antibiotics and antihistamines — can cause disorientation and weaken memory and impair brain function in older Americans. Not only that, but if you take 3 or more medications, you have an increased likelihood of suffering an overdose from these drugs. That’s because the “cocktail effect” makes these drugs more potent when used in combination and because your liver function declines with age, making it harder for your body to process a potentially toxic combination. Surprising Source #5: Personal-Care ProductsThe FDA estimates that over 65% of cosmetics contain toxic ingredients. But that’s not all. Shampoos, aftershaves, deodorants, and antibacterial soaps contain over two hundred different synthetic chemicals. These chemicals include endocrine disrupters that can affect hormone levels. Clearly, if you aren't concerned about the effects of toxins... you should be! The good news is you can safely and easily eliminate these dangerous toxins from your body before they can destroy your health... keep reading to find out how. Glyphosate herbicide and toxic heavy metals act like "binary weapon" to destroy kidneysLearn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051266_glyphosate_heavy_metals_kidney_damage.html#ixzz3mgWYv1Qb Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health carefully researched data on kids who developed leukemia or lymphoma. And it turns out that children who had been exposed to any indoor insecticides were 47 percent more likely to come down with leukemia. And for lymphoma, the risk jumped by a heartbreaking 43 percent. People are beginning to understand that the quality of their food impacts the quality of their lives awakening to the dangers in many of the foods and drinks that comprise our modern diet. However, this knowledge, while it helps form the foundation of a better way of eating, doesn’t go far enough. It’s not enough to simply avoid fast food and other clearly “unhealthy” foods. We must be vigilant about what we are consuming and where it came from to truly find the balance we need within our diets. In the upcoming chapters, I’ll cover several aspects of the health dangers in our food and water. Here, I’ll explore the toxic invaders in our food and water supply that are crippling modern health. Lurking in the WaterFew doubt the positive impact that water treatment has brought to the modern world. In developed areas, with access to clean water, diseases such as cholera and dysentery are a thing of the past—an accomplishment of great importance for sure! Yet this development owes much of its success to chemicals that are posing an entirely new threat to modern society. Dr. Clark’s research raised my awareness to the presence of certain chemicals in water that are flooding our bodies with new, toxic invaders. The addition of chlorine and other chemicals to most public water supplies puts five immunosuppressants directly into our bodies. These toxins—azo dyes, asbestos, benzene, heavy metals, and PCBs—were found in every one of her cancer patients. To avoid these toxins, you need to know a little more aboutthem and how they end up in our food and water supplies. As I touched in a previous chapter, heavy metals include substances such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and nickel, along with a few other toxic lighter metals like aluminum and titanium. These make a regular appearance in our drinking water. Additionally, they commonly appear in soft drinks, toothpastes, and even in dental fillings and cutlery. Consumption of these immunosuppressants is common for most of us unless we take specific care to avoid them. Azo dyes, although carcinogenic, are also frequently found in our water supply due to the chlorination process. In addition, they are included in pesticides, and therefore regularly ride along on commercially sprayed vegetables. Although we have been told that asbestos has been removed from our environment, that is far from the truth. This substance is still frequently used in conveyor and packaging machinery, where this carcinogen can fly right into our water or onto our food during production. While benzene is a chemical that our bodies can handle in small amounts, it nonetheless wreaks havoc on our systems when we take in too much of it. Benzene is present in coffee, petroleum jellies, lubricants, and even untested supplements. Since it impedes blood cell development, its impact on our health and ability to heal is self-evident. Least surprising of all is the presence of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in chlorinated water, as the chlorination process directly adds these toxins to the water. It is also found in most water bottles as a part of the plastic itself. Unless plastic packaging specifically notes that it is made of “high density polyethylene 2 (HDPE 2),” it is filled with this carcinogenic toxin. Dr. Clark’s research showed her that there were different types of chlorine present in her cancer patients and her non-cancer patients alike. The chlorine approved by the US National Science Foundation contains ferricyanide, which has been shown by Dr. Clark’s research to cause other serious diseases, but not cancer.Yet the chlorine that Dr. Clark says develops cancer does contain potassium ferrocyanide. The difference between these two chemicals may look minor, but that single letter of difference between the two names has dangerous repercussions. People often get confused when presented with safety. From: The Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Foodinformation on these toxins; ferrocyanide and ferricyanide are two different components, even though they both cause serious diseases. Where you live is a determining factor in how much toxicity these chlorines contain. For example, in Europe, cancer sufferers have higher amounts of polonium from chlorine, but they also have lower quantities of benzene andPCBs than those living elsewhere. Dr. Clark says that all of the chlorines used have traces of polonium and cerium (a lathanide element), which are the first two components to forming cancer. The third component, which she says determines who will suffer from cancer, is whether it contains ferrocyanide or ferricyanide. She also discovered alpha radiation, antimony, arsenic, asbestos, azo dyes, barium, benzene, boron, and cadmium in the carcinogenic chlorine. Are You Using Toxic Water?Even if you are using mineral waters instead of commercially cleaned and supplied water, there are still risks to your safety and the proper function of your immune system that you need to be aware of. During processing, mineral waters are introduced to toxins. Dr. Clark conducted examinations with a device she invented called the Syncrometer. Using this Syncrometer, a variety of water brands were tested, and it was found that immunosuppressants were present in many of them. In other words, even when the water itself is not dangerous, the bottling machines orthe bottles themselves can be. Water that is sold distilled can contain the same toxins as bottled mineral water and should also be avoided. As it is distilled, the water loses its toxins and passes through a charcoal filter that converts it into pure water containing no inorganic minerals. Because our bodies can’t absorb these toxins, distilling water prevents them from depositing themselves on the walls of our intestines, arteries, joints, kidneys, etc. Heavy metals are a big part of the problem when it comes to toxic foods, mostly because they can be so pervasive in our water and food supply. That said, according to Dr. Clark, there are several steps you can take to eliminate your exposure to heavy metals. Your best bet is to distill your water yourself. If you must buy plastic packaging, Dr. Clark advises using an HDPE 2 plastic—mentioned above as the only safe form of plastic packaging—to avoid contamination. A glass container is also a safe and viable option.You should also stay away from swordfish, tuna, bonito, shellfish, sea bass, eel, halibut, monkfish, salmon, sea bream, manta ray, and grouper. Dr. Clark advises sticking with varieties of fish that have a lower amount of mercury, like hake, whiting, blue whiting, sardine, herring, anchovy, and trout. These varieties give your body the much-needed nutrition without the high levels of heavy metal toxicity. Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide should be avoided, as should tobacco, which is a dangerous source of cadmium. In the kitchen, dishes made out of clay and aluminum should be avoided, as should aluminum foil or tin. Relating to aluminum, pay attention to the packaging as well. Chocolate bars, chocolate eggs, and any food packaged in aluminum often can have unseen particles of aluminum attached to it. Dr. Clark also cautions against vaccinations, as they are high in mercury and, though often recommended for various populations of people for different things (i.e., flu shots for the elderly, tetanus shots for farm workers), she says they are “frankly harmful.” Like all things, this is an area where we must strive for balance. Be aware of what is in the vaccinations, seek out all the necessary information, and come to an informed decision weighing the risks and benefits. Put Your Body to WorkAs you’ve seen from the frightening information above, fully avoiding toxins can be difficult—if not impossible—in today’s world. The good news, however, is that our bodies contain several mechanisms to deal with certain levels of toxins in a healthy way. Namely, our white blood cells are the body’s natural way of battling invaders. But is conventional medicine right about the way white blood cells really work? A familiar saying goes, “quality not quantity.” That’s true of our white blood cells. It’s not how many white blood cells we have that’s important. Rather, it’s how well those cells are functioning that really matters when we look at health from the perspective of balance. Just because our white blood cell count is within a normal range doesn’t necessarily mean that the cells are functioning as they should in a natural state of homeostasis. For the many victims of disease, their white blood cell count isn’t an issue, but the state of the cells is. Traditional medicine has the ability to count our white blood cells, but not to evaluate their toxicity. This problem was remedied by Dr. Clark, who—as much discussed in this and previous chapters—is the author of several wellknown books on the topic of self-health. Dr. Clark also used her Syncrometer device, discussed in one of the above sections, to see what she called “the five basic immunosuppressants” in her patients’ white blood cells. The “five basics” are not the only threatening toxins we consume, but according to Dr. Clark, they are the most relevant to our immune systems, as they are found in each and every person with degenerative diseases and infectious conditions. These immunosuppressants are PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), benzene, asbestos, azo dyes, and heavy metals, all of which we covered earlier in this chapter. In a healthy state, our white blood cells can identify and react to invaders and disease. When they are “under the influence” of toxins, however, they are unable to perform primary functions like detecting and eliminating pathogens and toxins in the organs. The white blood cells are suddenly south polarized, rather than north polarized as they should be, thanks to the transportation of things like heavy metals for elimination. Dr. Clark says that, because of this, when they can’t eliminate toxins, white blood cells are not able to function, disrupting homeostasis in our bodies. The obvious fix, then, is to detoxify the white blood cells so that our immune systems can work properly. Our white blood cells need to be prepared to release toxins into the bladder and excrete them through urine. In order to do this, Dr. Clark says we need to get our immune system strong so that it can eliminate any toxins that enter the body altogether. To go up against pathogens and toxins, our white blood cells need one important thing from us: non-toxic nourishment, a critical part of creating homeostasis in our diet. Detoxify Your DietSmall and simple changes can have a significant effect on your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins and return to a state of homeostasis. The foods you eat and the water you drink are two simple dietary needs you can control with minimal effort and maximum effect. In order to cleanse our bodies of toxins, we need to have white blood cells that are doing their job for us. Eliminating heavy metals from our lives and making educated choices when it comes to the food we eat and the water we use will help our bodies complete their natural toxin-fighting duties, restoring balance and returning us to the Wellness Model of Health™. But toxic foods aren’t the only things we need to be on the lookout for when it comes to our diets. Next, I’ll show you how you may be consuming mold without knowing it, and how you can eliminate it from your food intake to improve your health. Y) A Lesser-Known Cause of Infection, Illness, and DiseaseSick people want to get well. But historically speaking, in order to even have a hope of achieving this, they’ve had to rely on doctors, and on paying those doctors huge sums of money for treatment and medicines to get themselves well.What if I told you that two of the leading causes of infection, illness, and disease were things you could diagnose and treat yourself, cheaply and relatively easily?Dr. Clark’s work on the root causes of all types of illnesses has yielded two ground-breaking discoveries. First, that the real cause of a number of illnesses can be traced to toxic pollutants and parasites. And second, that toxins can be avoided and parasites can be killed with electricity. In other words, if you’re struggling to reclaim your health even after addressing the excess, deficiencies and stagnations you can identify, you should consider getting tested for parasites and toxins.To be clear, killing parasites that have invaded your body and are making you sick will not make you well overnight. But it can jumpstart your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Likewise, it can make the traditional medicines and treatments you receive from your doctors, pharmacists, and other medical experts far more effective—or even totally unnecessary—by eliminating the source of your health problems rather than just disguising your symptoms.This life-changing information could revolutionize the way we understand and treat diseases and other illnesses. Imagine a world without diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, migraines, lupus, and a host of other chronic illnesses that sap our health, energy, time, and resources, or even lead directly to the deaths of ourselves and our loved ones.A world free of these diseases is possible if we educate ourselves about the effects of toxins and parasites on our health, and if we work to eliminate them from our lives and our bodies. Let’s look at each of these two invaders one at a time, beginning with toxins.Toxins and Your HealthIt comes as no surprise that exposure to toxic chemicals and substances present in the world around us promote ill health.Toxic pollutants are all the non-living things around us that don’t belong in your body because they interfere with its ability to work the way it’s supposed to. As long as they stay outside of your body, they don’t pose a problem. This is why you can safely wear plastic eyeglasses and clothing. Unfortunately, these pollutants make it into our bodies far more often—and far more easily—than we’d like to imagine.Our bodies react to invaders, large or small. You can probably recall a time when you had something stuck in your eye. Beyond just being an annoyance, your body increased tear production to try to flush out the invader. Eventually, the tears and your hands worked together to expel the foreign object.Your body will do the same thing with toxins, whether the invasive toxic intruder is large or small, deadly or not. Like a militia defending its home turf against an invading force, your immune system will rush to do battle with this invader. Even at the microscopic level, this fact remains true.In the form of environmental pollutants, toxins can invade your body through the air you breathe, the foods and beverages you consume, and the products you use on your hair and skin. These things come from places we’re told are safe and non-toxic. And once the toxins are in your system, they start causing trouble for your health.Types of ToxinsMany people are familiar with some of the basic sources of these kinds of toxins, such as commercial products used for cleaning, personal hygiene, and beauty. Likewise, most people are aware of things to look out for such as mercury in the water we drink and the fish we eat, heavy metals from old dental fillings, and fluoride in our water supply.What is lesser known is that similar toxins are also present in our clothing, jewelry, and furniture. For instance, some types of clothing are treated with fire retardant chemicals. Some cookware is coated in chemicals that makes metal surfaces nonstick or scratch resistant. And certain mattresses—like any foam product—are manufactured using formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. Exposure to these things can make you sick.The sad reality is that we are bombarded every day with toxic substances that can harm our health, and many people are unaware of the negative effect of this kind of exposure. Below is a list of the types of toxins we’re exposed to every day, along with some of the effects they can have on our bodies.SolventsSolvents are compounds that work to dissolve other substances, and not all of them are unhealthy. In fact, water—which makes up a huge percentage of our bodies—is a solvent.However, many solvents dissolve fats, which can make them very dangerous to our health. This is because fats form the membrane of every cell wall in our bodies, especially our nerve cells.Solvents like benzene can enter our bodies through the air we breathe— especially if we’re around a lot of cigarette smoke or gas fumes—and compromise the immune system. Other solvents that can harm our health include xylene, toluene, wood alcohol, methylene chloride, and trichloroethane (TCE).Likewise, sodas can contain solvents such as methanol and isopropyl alcohol, which are known to attract parasites in the body. Commercially bottled water is usually packaged using plastics, which can allow chemicals that include solvents to leech into the liquids they contain. If you need to buy bottled water, look for companies that use glass or, at minimum, BPA-free plastic.Even tap water is treated with numerous chemicals like fluoride. Spring water is the safest water you can drink, followed by well water, and even those should be filtered.MetalsOur bodies need some metals to survive. For instance, the copper we get from consuming meat and vegetables is essential to our health. Inorganic copper, on the other hand—that finds its way into our bodies from water boiled in a copper-bottomed kettle or transported through the copper plumbing found in many older homes—is carcinogenic.Mercury amalgam dental fillings, while deemed safe by the American Dental Association, should not be used due to safety issues. Even worse, sometimes the mercury used in this procedure is contaminated with thallium, which is even more toxic than mercury.Pure metals present in the body spell trouble for our health.Physical ToxinsPhysical toxins are often breathed into the body in dust form. Our bodies typically react to breathing in dust by sneezing or coughing the dust out. You would never intentionally swallow a broken piece of glass, but if the insulation in your home or office building is left improperly sealed, that is exactly what you’re doing—breathing in microscopic particles of fiberglass.This means that any hole made in your ceiling or wall, however small, lets this in as well. Chronic exposure to fiberglass inhalation can lead to cyst formation—and cysts are a perfect place for parasites and bacteria to settle in the body and multiply. Fiberglass or asbestos—the latter of which has been mostly eliminated from construction materials at this point, but can still get onto your clothing via your clothes dryer’s air belt—are often found in cancer patients with solid tumors.Chemical ToxinsSome of the most common toxins in this category are the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or Freon that enter our homes and workplaces via air conditioners and refrigerator coils. It’s fairly well-known that CFCs are believed to have caused the ozone hole above the South Pole. What is less known is that cancer patients test positive for CFCs in their cancerous organs.In her research into the link between toxins and poor health, Dr. Clark found preliminary evidence that CFCs attract other pollutants, such as fiberglass and metals, and encourage tumor-growth instead of allowing the body to naturally excrete these substances.Other chemical toxins we’re regularly exposed to include arsenic used in pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which although banned from industrial use, are commonly found in most commercial soaps and detergents.The bottom line is that if you’re not really paying attention to your immediate environment or the things you’re putting on and in your body, you can be exposed to a variety of toxic substances that can have a negative effect on your health.How to Avoid ToxinsAt this point, you might be a little shocked. You might even be thinking, “How can you live a civilized life if you can’t use all these products?” The good news is that, over the last twenty years, there has been an enormous growth in awareness about these kinds of issues. This has resulted in a variety of solutions to the problem of toxins in the products we use to make our lives better and easier. Article anbout family moved to jungle and all digestive problems went away.This could be as easy as buying natural fabrics or pans made of a different metal. Or it could just mean using improved products for your household that are designed to be natural and non-toxic.More and more companies are developing products that can get the job done without exposing you and your family to dangerous toxins. And with the rise of the internet and online product reviews, information about these products, as well as the products themselves, are available to just about anyone, anywhere.Some people will balk at healthier alternative products and foods, complaining that they’re too expensive. “I can’t shop at the organic market. I can’t afford that,” they say. But meanwhile, they’re watching TV, they’re eating out all the time, and they’ve got cellphones. Essentially, they’re investing in conveniences and entertainment, but they’re not willing to invest in their own health.Think of it this way. Sure, you can save money now by eating terrible foods, but you will pay the price for that decision later—even if “later” means decades from now. When you’re seventy years old, do you want to be sick, hunched over, and barely alive? Or do you want to be strong, flexible, energetic, and healthy? That’s what you’re really buying when you invest in healthy foods and products.It’s true that it might take a little work on your part to do this kind of research and to hunt down these healthy products. Likewise, it’s true that some of them are expensive, although this factor can often be circumvented using DIY versions that you can make at home yourself using inexpensive ingredients.The bottom line is, if it means the difference between a safer and healthier home environment and lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones, isn’t it worth a little extra work or even a little sacrifice on your part? What is better health—for you and for your family—worth to you?The average American pays between $6,000 and $7,000 per year for healthcare. That’s a lot of money, and it’s sure to climb even higher as costs continue to skyrocket. Plus, as I discussed earlier, the current system isn’t really health care; it’s disease care.Make an investment in your health by being more selective about which toxins you allow into your home and your body. You’ll find that this particular investment yields far more return than a cell-phone contract or a new car lease.   A build up of toxins resulting from intoxicants including: a) Fifteen years of smoking cigarettesCigarettes. I was going to write up a method and  a plan to quit yesterday, but I was sapped of  strength and spirit by your behavior and  the frustration/adrenal reaction I had to it (yes I am codependent too...I am waiting  to hear about my enrollment in codependency class). I was having a good day  yesterday but became too flustered to do anything! b) Twenty years of marijuana use c) Ten years of hard drug use d) Twenty years abusing alcoholHeavy Metal ToxicityFluoride in waterExposure to Mercury from Mercury amalgam fillings in teeth (now removed)Pesticide garage n houseChemtrailsFraking water on crops and vaccine immune supressant (and like Batman combo of pesticides n heavy metals)A build up of household and environmental toxin exposure (including accidental exposure to Hexane in University chemistry class in 1993)Endocrine disruptorsPesticidesFood preservatives and additivesPerfumes and Dyes and toxic compounds in shampoo, soap, cosmetics, cologne, antiperspirants, house cleaning chemicalsasbestos from dryer beltChemical sensitivities/allergies (as well as possible chemtrail exposure which may contain harmfull Barium and  Aluminum particulates)The long term exposure to additives, preservatives, food coloring, dyes and pesticide build up from years of an unhealthy dietFluoride and Chlorine in drinking and bathing water.  I am looking to purchase filter as it is the right thing for our family (not just for my problems)PABA, Flame retardant, Phtalates in lining of soda cans used to drinkAspartamecanned food relied ondry cleaningMouse n gel, env toxns book orderFraking water on crops and vaccine immune supressant (and like Batman combo of pesticides n heavy metals)California has been spraying toxic, cancer-causing fracking chemicals on food crops for 20 years. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051264_fracking_crops_California.html#ixzz3mfsShygG Products, dryer sheets hybrid foods, canola oil, fried foods, mold, bruised fruit asbestos replace belt, chemical sensitivity what did Francoise do?Not one but combination, disruptors bookAdd lead exposure from Chinese manufactured toys surrounded by. Check radon. microwave dinners plastictoxins in fish relied on'Chemical Sensitivity' Add antifungal sprays n paints, w cadmiumLead from Japanese Chinese toys, the fish kind not supposed to eat vidTV dinners plastic microwave scratched teflonFlame retardant in energy drinks and soda cans plastic bottles. Unknown chemicals in drugs took.windex and CLR on my skin often (list ingredients), and metal plating spilled chems, antifungal sprays, chlorine swimming and kids pee combine and showerhead long showers vaporsfluoride rinse and chews when kidhair spray and productshandled toner, lots sugarless gum aspartame and spins 


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